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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: A Diamond in The Mind[ ÉLŐ ] DVD video

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A Diamond in The Mind [ ÉLŐ ]
Duran Duran
első megjelenés éve: 2012

DVD video
Kosaramba teszem
1.  Return To Now
2.  Before the Rain
3.  Planet Earth
4.  A View To Kill
5.  All You Need Is Now
6.  Blame The Machines
7.  Safe (In the Heat of the Moment)
8.  The Reflex
9.  The Man Who Stole a Leopard
10.  Girl Panic!
11.  White Lines
12.  Careless Memories
13.  Ordinary World
14.  Notorious
15.  Hungry Like the Wolf
16.  Sunrise (Reach Up For The)
17.  Wild Boys/Relax
18.  Rio
19.  A Diamond In the Mind (Credits)
This live set was filmed December 16, 2011, at the MEN Arena in Manchester, England.

BONUS features include interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, as well as performances of "Come Undone" and "Is There Something I Should Know."
hangsávokangol (DD 2.0), angol (DD 5.1), angol (dts-es)
felirat nyelvekangol, német, spanyol, francia, olasz
régiókód   [ NTSC ]   (???)
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