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CD BT Kft. internet bolt - CD, zenei DVD, Blu-Ray lemezek: Greatest - The DVD (2DVD) DVD video

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Greatest - The DVD (2DVD)
Duran Duran
első megjelenés éve: 2003
195 perc
Rock / Dance-Pop / Synth Pop / New Wave / New Romantic / Pop / Rock
(2003)   [ DIGIPACK ]

2 x DVD video
Kosaramba teszem
1. DVD video tartalma:
1.  Planet Earth*
2.  Girls On Film*
Long uncensored version
3.  The Chauffeur
4.  Hungry Like The Wolf
5.  Save A Prayer
6.  Rio
7.  Is There Something I Should Know?
8.  Union Of The Snake*
9.  New Moon On Monday*
E.P Version
10.  The Reflex
11.  Wild Boys*
7" Edit Version
12.  A View To A Kill
2. DVD video tartalma:
1.  Notorious
2.  Skin Trade
3.  I Don't Want Your Love
4.  All She Wants Is
5.  Serious*
6.  Burning The Ground
7.  Ordinary World
8.  Come Undone*
Uncensored version
9.  Electric Barbarella
Hidden alternate versions of the videos marked*
Hidden interview footage
La galerie de Duran
DVD-ROM section containing:
weblink to the official Duran Duran website
30 min. audio Q&A session recorded with Nick Rhodes and Simon Le Bon in 1999
photo gallery - featuring over 80 images from throughout the band's career
lyrics to all songs featured on the dvd
screensaver and create your own wallpaper
Weboldal:Duran Duran
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régiókód   [ PAL ]
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képarány1.33:1 (4:3 / TV)

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Progresszív Rock

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