Puccini: Pillangókisasszony [Oren] [Arthaus] [ ÉLŐ ] Puccini: Madama Butterfly [Oren] [Arthaus] |
Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) |
Fiorenza Cedolins (szoprán), Francesca Franci (mezzoszoprán), Veronica Simeoni (mezzoszoprán), Carlo Bosi (tenor), Giovanni Scordino (tenor), Marcello Giordani (tenor), Alessandro Battiato (bariton), Juan Pons (bariton), Angelo Nardigocchi (ének), Carlo Striuli (ének), Maria Letizia Grosselli (ének), Mina Blum (színész), Veronai Aréna Énekkara (vegyeskórus), Franco Zeffirelli (rendező), Daniel Oren (karmester), Veronai Aréna Zenekara (zenekar) |
első megjelenés éve: 2004 142 perc |
Opera |
 DVD video |
6.393 Ft
1. | Madama Butterfly (Pillangókisasszony)
Fiorenza Cedolins (szoprán), Francesca Franci (mezzoszoprán), Veronica Simeoni (mezzoszoprán), Carlo Bosi (tenor), Giovanni Scordino (tenor), Marcello Giordani (tenor), Alessandro Battiato (bariton), Juan Pons (bariton), Angelo Nardigocchi (ének), Carlo Striuli (ének), Maria Letizia Grosselli (ének), Veronai Aréna Énekkara (vegyeskórus), Mina Blum (színész), Franco Zeffirelli (rendező), Daniel Oren (karmester), Veronai Aréna Zenekara (zenekar)
Opera (tragedia giapponese) in 3 acts Libretto: Giuseppe Giacosa & Luigi Illica [Based: David Belasco-John Luther Long: Madama Butterfly] First performance: 17 February 1904, Teatro alla Scala, Milan
Recorded: 2004, Arena di Verona
Fiorenza Cedolins (Cio-Cio-San) Francesca Franci (Suzuki) Mina Blum (Kate Pinkerton) Marcello Giordani (B. F. Pinkerton) Juan Pons (Sharpless) Carlo Bosi (Goro) Alessandro Battiato (Il prinicipe Yamadori) Carlo Striuli (Lo zio Bonzo) Angelo Nardigocchi (Il commissario imperiale) Giovanni Scordino (L'ufficiale del registro) Veronica Simeoni (La madre di Cio-Cio-San) Maria Letizia Grosselli (La cugina die Cio-Cio-San) This DVD combines a number of operatic highlights: Puccini's Madama Butterfly - the composer's self-proclaimed favourite work and certainly one of the most beloved operas in the repertoire - is brought to life at the world-famous Arena di Verona. This opulent production, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, is sung by a cast of excellent singer-actors and conducted by long-established Arena di Verona conductor Daniel Oren with all the splendour that a Puccini opera demands.
The opera is staged in front of the imposing Roman backdrop of the "Arena di Verona" and directed by respected film and opera director Franco Zeffirelli. Zeffirelli is well versed in historical ("Jesus of Nazareth") and operatic ("Callas Forever") subjects. Fiorenza Cedolins is a sought after Butterfly singer and her Pinkerton is played by the renowned tenor Marcello Giordani. The performance is lead by Daniel Oren who has worked with the opera festival for more than two decades. The sum of all this is a gloriously sung musical experience.
This live recording captures an evening in July 2004 when thousands of spectators gathered to witness the "Japanese tragedy in three acts". The tragic story of a young girl from Nagasaki, where the opera is set, and an American lieutenant who has raised high hopes in her, only to leave her with a child and return years later as a married man. She ends her broken-hearted existence in suicide and he finally faces the pain he has caused to his "Madam Butterfly" and thus to himself. In this, his perhaps most emotional opera, Giacomo Puccini has caused two worlds, two incompatible traditions - those of Japan and the USA - to collide in a drama about desperate people. The multinational perspective may partly explain why Madama Butterfly remains so modern to this day. It brings up associations with the Vietnam War, which produced hundreds of true-life "Madam Butterflies", and had its musical reincarnation only a few years ago in the form of the musical Miss Saigon - a sort of "light Puccini".
Verona's amphitheatre - known as the 'arena' provides an atmospheric setting for the summer festival that has assembled the stars of the international opera scene each year since 1913. To view an opera in the former amphitheatre, the second largest of its kind after the Colosseum in Rome, can truly be regarded as an impressive experience. The DVD, however, provides a closer look at the stage and the singers and this cleverly filmed recording brings home the hopes and emotions of the shattered young girl and those around her: when the geishas perform their fan dances, when the sensual duet between Pinkerton and the girl at the end of the first act develops into an image of burning passion, or when director Zefirelli depicts the disturbed soul of Madam Butterfly using black-clad dancing ghosts in the second and third act - the camera always captures the images wonderfully.
For the production recorded here, director Franco Zeffirelli, like Puccini, built an image of Japan in the middle of Italy. But the land of smiles makes tears all the more painful. Zeffirelli used buffo effects, local colour and realistic sets, yet showed how far a large and colourful world of illusion can fall - a realm in which the action exists not in the stage decor but in the drama taking place within the characters themselves, in which great music about small things always works its way under the skin. |
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